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Humata AI allows users to interact with their documents by asking questions and receiving answers based on the content of their files.
GPTZero is the leading AI detector that helps educators and students understand the risks of AI misuse while providing tools to humanize AI-generated text
WriteHuman is the leading AI humanizer tool that helps users humanising AI-generated text, ensuring it remains undetectable while enhancing content quality for writers, marketers, and researchers.
Mkdirs is a powerful directory boilerplate that allows you to launch profitable directory websites in minutes.
A comprehensive platform for instant domain name searches, management tools, and privacy-focused services.
authifyWeb safeguards your brand against scammers who impersonate your websites. At its core, it provides free tools, empowering users to identify scams and impersonation fraud. is an AI automation database platform that proactively helps everyone complete work, process reports, and data collection daily. Free up your work time, escape the hassle of tedious tasks, and truly enjoy more time living your life.
Icon Kitchen is a website that provides high-quality, customizable icon generation services, allowing users to quickly create and download icons in various styles to enhance the design of websites and applications.
An easy-to-use color query tool that helps you quickly understand color convert, shadows, color palettes, combinations, and more.
AIBest.Tools is a platform that curates the latest and best AI tools of 2024, helping users discover innovative solutions across various categories.
BestDirectories is a curated directory platform featuring a variety of tools, platforms, and services for startups and businesses."